Tarot challenges using Tyldwick Tarot, May 18 through May 22, 2017
One of my favorite tarot decks of all time is the Tyldwick Tarot. Look at how old-world luxurious the artwork is: @ladyVtavora on Instagram
While I can't possibly share the entirety of my being in this blog-- I will certainly do my best to chronicle my life as authentically as I can. Allow me to help you re-discover yourself while I do the same: Blessed are You, YHVH, my God, King of the Universe, who imparted unto me Your breath of life. Guide my heart to love authentically. Guide my words to reveal only truth. Guide my mind towards service to your other creations. B’shem Yeshua HaMoshiach, Sar haShalom. Amein v Amein.