Ethony's New Moon in Cancer Tarot Spread

I did Ethony’s New Moon in Cancer Tarot Spread. She posted it on her website and her Instagram. I used The Good Tarot published by Hay House.
Here's my spread...

CARD ONE: Emotional Temperature- What is my emotional health during the new moon? PATIENCE. I move closer and closer to being fully detached from outcome. My emotional state is tempered by moderation, meditation, and prayer. Although, I will admit that one of the “tests” of my detachment is the failing health of my family dog, Nikki. She’s an American Eskimo Spitz who came to my household after I asked my mother if I could keep her in her last years on this earth. She was my father’s constant companion for almost a decade. And for almost a full year after he died, she was depressed. When she moved in with me (I live two hours away from my mother), she seemed to come to life again—like she was reliving her energetic puppy years. But very recently, her health has taken a turn for the worse. I told her that when she’s ready to leave this physical realm to return to our Father, that I am okay with it—I let her know that she doesn’t have to serve anymore if her body’s health is failing…. And it is. May she know that she is loved. May she know that she’ll always be loved.

CARD TWO: Need to Nurture- How can I feed my soul during this moon cycle? PAGE OF WANDS. Keeping an openhearted, playful temperament will help feed my soul. I need to do things with people who I love and who love me back. Within reason, go to parties, outings, social events. Basically, don’t go so far within myself that I forget I am part of a human family. Don’t be so detached that I stop nurturing my relationships.

CARD THREE: Drop Your Guard- What has been guarded for too long? MESSENGER OF WATER. For too long I had been guarding my vulnerability—my heart—from the people who love me. It is a reaction I trained myself to have because I had allowed toxic people to have access to me for so long. I had forgotten it is within my power to cut toxicity from my sphere of influence. Now I have the discernment to know who I should allow in my throne room and who may not enter.

CARD FOUR: Sideway Stride- What needs to be tackled head on and not through or side step around? EMPRESS. I’m in the gestation period of a creative venture I intend to manifest fully this year. I have to tackle the little bit of doubt which keeps me from coming fully out of the metaphysical closet. But, that doubt in no way outweighs my burning desire to step into my truth. So. I’ve got the business plan written. Now, I embrace the powers embodied in the Empress and DO THE THING.

CARD FIVE: Connections- How can I improve my relationships at this time? THREE OF EARTH REVERSED. Accept help from others and seek opportunities to be a helper to others. Seek to accomplish goals with others. Teamwork. Teamwork instead of going it alone.


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