Over on my Instagram...@lego_bird's #wickedweekendtarotchallenge
Over on my Instagram.......On day two of @lego_bird’s #wickedweekendtarotchallenge, the
participants could cast is the “Goddess of the dead spread.” Instead of using
tarot cards, I used two (2) oracle card decks: (1.) Botanical Inspirations, and
(2.) Compendium of Constellations.
GHOST- What am I holding onto that must be released? (1.) Violet (2.) Taurus (strengthen).
I’ve been holding back my magnificence relating to domestic, creative, and material
skills. Limiting beliefs of ancestors forced me to hide my sparkle beneath the
veil of humility. What a terrible mind virus to inherit. Now I know better. Now
I know that I can toot my own horn without taking on the fear of my ancestral
past. Shine like a diamond. Lean it. Whatever. I’ll be my true self, exhibit my
works/talents, and live freely—unapologetically.
UNDEAD- What walks among us? (1.) Bellflower (2.) Draco (guard). Ah.
Now this card combination, as an answer to this question, has a bit of a
sinister nature to it. What walks among us? What slithers among us in plain
sight yet without our true knowing? It’s falsity of self. Hypocrisy. All that
glitters is not gold. There are people among us who have the spirit/energy/disposition
of selfish, terror-inducing reptiles. But, just as the goddess Venus was able
to use a magic mirror to transform anything which gazed upon it beautiful,
these people transform into beautiful-looking beings. They hide behind what
mainstream, spirit-lacking society considers beautiful: Remarkably charismatic
manners to charm others (but for nefarious purposes) a la hypnotic snake; And,
incredible access to wealth, high technology & resources (think a dragon
who hoards gold & trinkets instead of releasing them into the stream of
commerce where they belong). I’m being figurative, not literal, of course. Or,
perhaps I’m not. As the observable facts change, my interpretations may change.
May I never have dealings with such undead beings.
Who watches over me? (1.) Forget-Me-Nots (2.) APUS (imagine). Ancestors
on both sides (paternal line is European, maternal line is Asian-European) of
my family watch over me. In particular, the warriors and warrior-spirited
ancestors have watchful eyes upon me. My father, retired USAF, guides me with
his clever mercurial-intellect. And, folks on the shamanic-Filipino side of my
family watch over me but I can’t feel their influence as much seeing as I was
raised as a mainstream Christian instead of being taught “the family magic.” I
do know that many women in that bloodline were incredibly strong in mind and
body. And, just like my father, they fought tyranny & oppression as best they
could. They may have not been able to prevent the Spanish occupation of the
Philippines, but they at least stuck Ferdinand Magellan pretty good. Heh.
ANCESTORS- What does my house of spirits want from me? (1.) Sacred Lotus (2.)
Crux (divinity). I went through many muddy situations in this physical
reality in order to arrive at the place where I started but only just now
remembered: That I am divine. I’m trained to be able to look back into my past
to extract information I need but with an emotional detachment. In particular,
the shamanic-Filipino bloodline doesn’t want me to give up on researching and
re-discovering their pre-Catholic practices/wisdom. Almost everybody who knew
about the abilities my family had (by the way, they used their powers for
goodness and healing) are dead, on death’s doorstep, or won’t speak of it. They
want me to continue to do good work and help people. Because, doing such a thing
is noble and needed.
INSANITY- What makes me feel crazy? (1.) Trumpet Gentian (2.) Scutum (safety).
It drives me crazy when I can’t protect/shield and heal people. Related: It
drives me crazy when I’m in a leadership position and I can’t shelter, guide,
and/or nurture the group.
MADNESS- What do I discover amidst madness? (1.) Yellow Rose (2.) Canis Major
(dominance). Madness teaches me that when I can let go of my natural
inclination to dominate, friendship & cooperation bloom.
DARKNESS- What creativity lies in darkness? (1.) White Rose (2.) Mensa
(obstacle). Difficulties and hurdles (which can trigger the emergence
of the Shadow self) can be the very things which bring forth new creations. Sure,
the Light side of life/archetypal situations can inspire creators. But,
creators are whole beings. A whole being has the Light and the Shadow. So, the
Shadow side has its value, too. Imagine a particularly ‘dark’ painting (the
colors of paint used evoke feelings of sadness or unease) of a human figure hugging
themselves. They’re hugging themselves on the floor of a creepy forest. Alone. Imagine
that the creator of that painting was inspired to create it after a bout of
situational depression. And now imagine that the painting is being placed up on
a gallery wall. The volunteer, who themselves is suffering a bout of
depression, remarks that the painting perfectly captures their inner world.
Their inner turmoil. Sure, it doesn’t heal them. But, that person knows that
they aren’t alone. They know that at least one other person in the world can
understand what they’re going through. That is the creativity that lies in