#Oracleoftarotchallenge by @temperance_tarot Day One through Day Five.

#Oracleoftarotchallenge by @temperance_tarot Day One through Day Five.

Decks used: (A.) Compendium of Constellations, and (B.) The Goddess Tarot.

Day One: Divine Inspiration- How can I bring more creativity into my life (Devas of Creation)? (A.) Hydra (Death) Reversed, (B). XII Sacrifice Kuan Yin Reversed.
Be reborn. Or, at least resurrect some of my creative hobbies which bring joy to others.

Day Two: Hunter of Dreams- How can I discover my truth (The Shaman’s Oracle)? (A.) Orion (Narcissism) Reversed, (B.) Eight of Swords.

Let go of the fears and anxieties of the ego. That'll clear away the cobwebs in order for me to discover truth.

Day Three: Crow- How can I improve my communication skills (Secret Language of Animals)? (A.) Virgo (Encompass), (B.) XV Temptation Nyai Loro Kidul Reversed.
Be critical in the analytical sense of the word-- not the chastisement meaning: Be honest with my vices and identify a habit, a person, or a wound from the past which can be an addiction. Name this as one has to name their shadow side traits. Then, I can send them away. Freedom from this/these temptation(s) will improve my communication because I will be free from shame. Shame blocks one's self-expression. Communication.

Day Four: Aurignac- What messages do my ancestors have for me today (Color Mage Oracle)? (A.) Hydra (Death) Reversed, (B.) X Fortune Lakshmi.
Congratulations on healing ancestral wounds related to material security. Stay the course. Keep expecting the Universe to send abundance to you. We know you'll appreciate them and also distribute them to others. We're proud of your generosity and ability to see the beauty in all situations and people.

Day Five: Labyrinth- How can I choose the best path (Awakened Soul Oracle)? (A.) Indus (Create) Reversed, (B.) Princess of Pentacles Reversed.
This path isn't directed by me. Or, more precisely, it isn't directed by my ego. I surrender my walk to the Most High. This doesn't mean I give up my free will. It just means that I align my will with God's will.



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