Friday Oracle Readings: "True Love" to bring clarity to LLS about relationship with HSA.

I used the True Love Spread by Clair Psychic to help bring clarity to LLS's situation with their partner HSA. May the Divine make me a worthy vessel to carry Their message.

Note: I'm aware that I flip back-and-forth between third-person and second-person perspective. And, I am aware that there may be grammatical and/or spelling errors. I do the best I can. I promise.

Card deck(s) used: (A.) Psychic Tarot for the Heart Oracle Deck , (B.) Energy Oracle Cards, (C.) Angel Therapy Oracle Cards, (D.) Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards, and (E.) Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards.

Position One: Represents LLS. LLS's current feelings, attitudes, and expectations. (A.) 21 Embrace Reversed.

The wholeness denoted by this card's upright position is a bit stalled or blocked-- but that doesn't mean doom. There are feelings of confusion, stagnation... and perhaps wondering why there hasn't been some sort of completion of something by either party in the relationship (I can't tell if it's getting a job, marriage proposal, moving out or moving into a place, or getting an academic degree). I get the feeling that LLS has confusion over their own heart's desires because they may be viewing it through the prism of their relationship with HSA-- instead of investigating their desires from and for themselves. As an individual. The process of integration (marrying the self, the self's desires, and the self's willingness to just allow the flow of the Universe to manifest with ease), one must have an open and grateful heart. One must be aware of the blessings one has in order to clear away the cobwebs of confusion. Making a list of all the things one is grateful for can help snap one out of confusion. When we start acknowledging how good we have it in the world and how grateful we are for the good, then we get more and more of it. This relates to the Law of Attraction. Like attracts like. If one is miserable, then one attracts misery. If one is grateful, one attracts gratitude.

Position Two: Represents HSA. Their current feelings, attitudes, and expectations. (A.) 8 Moving On.

Change is a necessary part of the natural world. This is also true of relationships As a person evolves, so must a relationship or it will stagnate. When this card shows up, it may suggest that one is examining their current relationships to see if one's soul feels fed. Some of the questions swirling about, as indicated by this card in this position, are 'Am I staying in a relationship because it seems "okay" and there's no "real" reason to end it, but I feel like something is missing?' 'Am I being my authentic self in this relationship?' 'Does my relationship have substance and bring me joy?' My intuition senses this isn't so much of somebody feeling like they need to walk away permanently. It feels like they need to do soul searching or shadow work/inner work. Perhaps they feel that taking a break from the responsibility of a relationship with a partner can assist them in jumpstarting their relationship with their inner self-- their higher self. They expect understanding from LLS. The understanding is not so much about HSA's confusion. HSA doesn't even know why they are confused. But, HSA expects LLS to give them the time and space to clear their head and figure things out.

Position Three: Connection Card. This card represents the characteristics that bring them together. (B.) 51 Healer of the Ages.

The Healer of the Ages exemplifies health and vitality-- bringing the powerful forces of ancient wisdom and profound healing. The light of Divine consciousness pours from this figure's hands and heart, flowing out with love and a powerful, healing intention. The energy this card represents is partially what brought LLS and HSA together. It brought (brings?) resolution to physical, mental, and emotional ills, helping (helped?) to unblock stuck energy and revitalize live forces. The Healer of Ages is an emissary of miraculous transformation whenever one needs vitality, balance, or renewal. Usually when this card pops up in such a position, it means at the deepest level, an important healing took (or is taking) place. Now I understand a little bit more about HSA's inner world from this card. I stress always that we humans should be wary of codependence. However, I get the feeling that LLS is the emotionally & psychologically stronger of the two-- and, that power has a healing energy which attracts (attracted?) HSA to LLS. Nobody is responsible for anybody else's 'work' (inner work, shadow work, healing of oneself, etc.) but I think the healing, understanding vibe that LLS has was/is comforting to HSA.

Position Four: Relationship strengths card. These are the qualities that maintain the relationship. (C.) Archangel Michael.

Oh wow. Archangel Michael is one of the most powerful messengers of the Divine. When he or his energy shows up in a reading, the significance of the question or card's placement must be given very conscious contemplation. Ultimately, this Archangel's energy is one of protection. Divine protection. The Divine's power, via this angel, eradicates the effects of fear, provides protection for one and one's loved ones, and lends courage & backbone in the face of one's taking intimidating action. An invocation prayer that is associated with Archangel Michael brings to mind the qualities which I feel underlie the relationship between LLS and HSA: Archangel Michael, I call upon you now. Please lend me your sword and shield of peace, and allow me to lean upon your strength and courage. Help me know I am and protected emotionally, physically, financially, energetically, and spiritually. Thank you.

Position Five: Relationship weakness card. These are the issues that need to be explored and addressed. (D.) Follow Your Dreams Reversed.

The energies associated with this card are blocked (as indicated by the card's reversed position). This doesn't mean that the energies are "bad." It merely means that the fullness of the potential of the card isn't being accessed right now by either LLS and HSA. Ultimately, this card's upright affirmation ("I deserve the best. I take charge of my schedule and my life.") is the best advice in addressing the weakness of the relationship. There may be a little bit of codependence. Or, at the very least one of these partners is more giving (or more willing to give in) than the other. For instance, one of the partners is more willing to put off their dreams or desires in order to be with the other. Like, in the way that sometimes one person can be a stick-in-the-mud while the other partner is full of action and life. Sometimes it's difficult to know what one truly desires. The advice given by the fairies to both parties is that each person take charge of their schedule AFTER meditating/praying/whatever centering exercise upon what they desire-- not what they desire for the relationship, though. Them as individuals. When both people in a relationship know themselves intimately and deeply, then they know their desires. When one knows one's desires, then one knows what path one needs to be on. Perhaps a practical exercise is for LLS to write down a list of their top five life priorities (AFTER the meditation/prayer/contemplation). Then, LLS can review these desires and understand if they are pursuing them or if they are allowing outside forces (i.e. a romantic partner) or internal forces (i.e. fear of loneliness) to thwart their direction on the path of life. This isn't to say anybody is at fault. It only brings to light that each person needs to remember that they are individuals first. Enmeshment may be a potential reason for the energy being blocked. One can't follow one's dreams if they are totally wrapped up in the life of another person. These bits of advice aren't advocacy for selfishness. They are advocacy for self-care. One can't share from an empty tea pot.  

Position Six: True Love card. Identifies if the relationship can be successful. It also highlights areas needed to be addressed. (E.) Abundance Reversed.

Work needs to be done with respect to the Yellow Chakra/Third Chakra/Solar Plexus Chakra-- roughly related to exploring thought processes (in order to manifest what one wants, not what one doesn't want). Work with this chakra allows us to know where we are. When we know where we are then we know to where our desires can be delivered. Ultimately, this chakra relates to our instinct and to how our life is directed by it. When we can understand how our instinct guides our thoughts, we understand why we do what we do. But, I get the feeling that parties in this relationship may not be listening to their individual instincts-- their intuitions. The message from the Divine via this card is "I only seek to give you what you ask for." We get abundance through gratitude and releasing regret. Also, if the issues in this relationship involve money or resources (or even the freedom to experience what one wants to experience), the following meditation may be used to shift from a lack/poverty mindset to one of abundance (remember, the word 'money' can be replaced with a more appropriate word relating to resources and experiences): Place some money before you. Pick it up. Have you thought about how many sous have touched it before it came to you? Feel its energy. The value we derive from the money is exchange of energy. Imagine this money transforming into your desire. Be aware of your improved relationship with money.


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