Friday Oracle Readings: SL needs to know some personality aspects.
SL needed to know about some personality aspects. Note: I'm aware that I flip back-and-forth between third-person and second-person perspective. And, I am aware that there may be grammatical and/or spelling errors. I do the best I can. I promise.
Card deck(s): (A.) Archetype Cards, (B.) Chakra Wisdom Oracle, (C.) Archangel Oracle Cards.
Position One: Prominent personality challenge (some would say "weakness" or "vice"). (A.) Gambler.
Occasional ill-informed risk taker. Relying on luck rather than hard work. Attempts to outrun the speed at which ordinary change happens. Has a compulsion to look for lucky breaks even in relationships, rather than working hard to make them succeed.
Position Two: Prominent personality strength. (A.) Advocate Reversed.
(Attorney, Defender, Legislator, Lobbyist, Environmentalist) Embodies a lifelong devotion to championing the rights of others and a passion to transform social injustices. Dedicated to inspiring the empowerment of groups or causes.
Position Three: Challenge in romantic relationships. (B.) Soulmate Reversed.
Work on one's root chakra is needed: Difficulties being authentic to one's self. They may be living a lie-- living others' vision for them instead of living their own vision. One must speak one's truth, choose love, and transform in order to gain personal freedom. If they cannot admit their feelings, vulnerabilities, and desires then are resistant to commitment. The legend associated with this card is, "It is time for him to leave her again- to use the script he always does at this point. He even knows her next line. She will say, 'How can you do this to me...' But unexpectedly she says, 'I love you.' The words of the script die on his tongue. He struggles to get them out- just a few words and he will be free- but they won't come. Suddenly, he clasps her to him. He loves her. This is the true freedom he sought."
Position Four: Strength in romantic relationships. (B.) Prayer.
Strong solar plexus chakra. Perhaps a master manifestor. "My prayers are answered." If they were sidetracked from your path, then they will be guided back to their true calling. All prayers are answered; follow where life leads; being of service; fulfillment. Key words: Clarity, destiny, authenticity. Meditation associated with this card: Knowing that you cannot take anything with you when you leave the Earth, that thoughts create your world, think now of the things that make you happy. Having all that you desire begins with taking what you need at the right time. Trust that you will be offered the best. Whether or not you take what is offered is entirely up to you."
Position Five: Message from Archangels on where SL's relationship is going. (C.) Relationship Harmony.
Your prayers for personal peace have been answered, and you are to be commended for your role in ushering peace into this situation. Visualize everyone involved (including yourself) being cooperative and open-minded, even if particular persona aren't usually this way. Trust the inner guidance you receive, and know that changes are sometimes uncomfortable but often necessary. Ask your angels to help with any aspects of relationships that need healing. Know that all relationships ultimately have blessings, growth lessons, and love at their core, even if appearances seem otherwise. Stay focused upon this truth as much as possible.
Card deck(s): (A.) Archetype Cards, (B.) Chakra Wisdom Oracle, (C.) Archangel Oracle Cards.
Position One: Prominent personality challenge (some would say "weakness" or "vice"). (A.) Gambler.
Occasional ill-informed risk taker. Relying on luck rather than hard work. Attempts to outrun the speed at which ordinary change happens. Has a compulsion to look for lucky breaks even in relationships, rather than working hard to make them succeed.
Position Two: Prominent personality strength. (A.) Advocate Reversed.
(Attorney, Defender, Legislator, Lobbyist, Environmentalist) Embodies a lifelong devotion to championing the rights of others and a passion to transform social injustices. Dedicated to inspiring the empowerment of groups or causes.
Position Three: Challenge in romantic relationships. (B.) Soulmate Reversed.
Work on one's root chakra is needed: Difficulties being authentic to one's self. They may be living a lie-- living others' vision for them instead of living their own vision. One must speak one's truth, choose love, and transform in order to gain personal freedom. If they cannot admit their feelings, vulnerabilities, and desires then are resistant to commitment. The legend associated with this card is, "It is time for him to leave her again- to use the script he always does at this point. He even knows her next line. She will say, 'How can you do this to me...' But unexpectedly she says, 'I love you.' The words of the script die on his tongue. He struggles to get them out- just a few words and he will be free- but they won't come. Suddenly, he clasps her to him. He loves her. This is the true freedom he sought."
Position Four: Strength in romantic relationships. (B.) Prayer.
Strong solar plexus chakra. Perhaps a master manifestor. "My prayers are answered." If they were sidetracked from your path, then they will be guided back to their true calling. All prayers are answered; follow where life leads; being of service; fulfillment. Key words: Clarity, destiny, authenticity. Meditation associated with this card: Knowing that you cannot take anything with you when you leave the Earth, that thoughts create your world, think now of the things that make you happy. Having all that you desire begins with taking what you need at the right time. Trust that you will be offered the best. Whether or not you take what is offered is entirely up to you."
Position Five: Message from Archangels on where SL's relationship is going. (C.) Relationship Harmony.
Your prayers for personal peace have been answered, and you are to be commended for your role in ushering peace into this situation. Visualize everyone involved (including yourself) being cooperative and open-minded, even if particular persona aren't usually this way. Trust the inner guidance you receive, and know that changes are sometimes uncomfortable but often necessary. Ask your angels to help with any aspects of relationships that need healing. Know that all relationships ultimately have blessings, growth lessons, and love at their core, even if appearances seem otherwise. Stay focused upon this truth as much as possible.
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