Helping others with tarot....
Well, somebody in my building is feeling kinda down and
moody. What’s worse, is that they don’t really know what’s making them feel
So, I decided to use Tarot Seed’s Two Card Bad Mood Spread I found over at The Tarot Lady to see if I could help them.
So, I decided to use Tarot Seed’s Two Card Bad Mood Spread I found over at The Tarot Lady to see if I could help them.
Card One: What is
causing their bad mood? Page of Pentacles.
Card Two: How can
they shift out of this mood? Three of Pentacles Reversed.
They are just now coming to terms about the real world: Frustration
at slowly realizing that material wealth isn’t what brings happiness. Money is
merely a tool used to acquire things that can elevate one in the real, mundane
world—not in the spiritual world. However, if they are indeed in a tense fiscal
situation, they may be triggered to use their cleverness & brazen “nothing
to lose and everything to gain” skills.
Well, here we have a spectrum of solution choices. On one
extreme, it could mean leaving the current category of work they’re doing. It
may not necessarily be the classification of work itself that is causing the
frustration but harsh or lacking supervision; lack of direction or wrong
direction; not feeling a mastery of the trade; being loaded down with an
enormous amount of work, etc. Perhaps they feel like they are in a fairly
mundane job in which their contributions and experience aren’t appreciated.
And, perhaps their skills can’t ever be appropriately appreciated because there
isn’t opportunity for growth in their current position.
On the least severe end of the spectrum, they could just be
falling into workaholism by trying “to do it all.” They should consider pulling
in others to assist them in completing projects. Having active support and encouragement
of others may help them snap out of their downward emotional trajectory. It may be
as simple as bringing more energy to their work. But, this energy needs to be
channeled by having a clear goal(s) and organized steps to achieve the goal(s).
Introspection will help them figure out where on the
spectrum of choices they should commit to. They need to assess how well they
work with others. And, what exactly are they working on? Is that their goal? If
not, what is their goal? And, are they willing to persevere and commit to
accomplishing their goal? And, what exactly are their skills anyway? There may
be a clue to what they should be doing by investigating their skill set.