Tarot Challenge: Tarot for the Wild Soul

So, I didn’t know about the #tarotforthewildsoul by @wildsoulhealing and @tarotforthewildsoul until yesterday. Obviously, I had some catching up to do. With the Tyldwick Tarot Deck, I answered the first nine days’ questions.

Day One: What am I leaping into this month? QUEEN OF COINS REVERSED.

Day Two: What am I ready to manifest this month? TEN OF SWORDS REVERSED.

Day Three: What sacred truth am I ready to see? PAGE OF COINS REVERSED.

Day Four: Where in my life am I being invited to liberate myself more fully? THE WORLD REVERSED.

Day Five: How can I connect more deeply with my inner Empress? THE SUN REVERSED.

Day Six: How can I connect more deeply with my inner Emperor? PAGE OF SWORDS.

Day Seven: Where am I being invited to touch into my inner power? TEN OF CUPS.

Day Eight: Where in my life can I be kinder to myself? KNIGHT OF SWORDS.

Day Nine: FULL MOON. What needs to be released in order for me to bloom forward? DEATH REVERSED.

I’m unlearning codependence upon others for material security. Courage has returned to me. Despite betrayals and the pettiness of others, I get back up, pick up my sword, and leave the battlefield. I manifest freedom from toxicities. The material world does not bring feelings of security. Security comes from trusting Higher Self’s co-creative ability with the Divine. I’m invited to face my beliefs in order to reassess and/or reevaluate. Have I held on to belief systems because I’m in denial? Investigate the truth. My truth. Even though it may be the hard work. I must continue to create and not yield to delays. Doing the things which make me happy, keep me happy. Also, I must continue to gather knowledge, but avoid being so quick to make lasting judgments. Be a student of human behavior in order to become a trusted authority on the subject. All I ever wanted, want, will want is manifest. One of my long-term dreams is to give abundance to others. I have that now. I’ve always had that. Praise YHVH. And, I shouldn’t be in such a hurry to complete my projects. The joy is in the journey, not the destination—Go with the flow! Release the idea that I’m not where I am supposed to be. I’m exactly where I am supposed to be. Stagnation is an illusion.


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