Tarot for the Wild Soul July Tarot Challenge: Days 10 through 15.
Here are my answers for days ten through fifteen of the
Instagram tarot challenge, “Tarot for the Wild Soul” by @wildsoulhealing and
Day Ten:
How can I connect more deeply with my inner Hermit? NINE OF PENTACLES. Meditate upon the knowledge I have within me
from all my life experience. Sharing that knowledge has brought abundance to
Day Eleven:
How can I trust the medicine of change more fully? THE LOVERS. When I remember that the mundane and profound are
united, I remember to trust.
Day Twelve:
Where am I being asked to surrender to what I cannot change at this time? PAGE OF WANDS. Trust my lover. I need
to surrender my distrust because it is learned from the actions of old lovers.
He’s faithful and passionate. He adores me. I also need to surrender my
arrogance (I think I’m wiser because I’m older).
Day Thirteen:
What in my life is ready to die away, making room for the new to grow? TWO OF SWORDS REVERSED. Overthinking,
indecision, and information overload are ready to die away from my life in
order to make way for decisive action like that of an Emperor.
Day Fourteen:
Where am I rebirthing in my life? KNIGHT
OF WANDS. My passion for my creative ventures is reborn. I know which
direction I want to go and I have the determination to travel there.
Day Fifteen:
What wisdom can I gain from my shadow? THE
MOON REVERSED. I can free myself from limiting beliefs by working through
my inner fears and anxieties, understanding the impact that these have on my