#Madamegtarotchallenge Days Three through Six.

#Madamegtarotchallenge Days Three through Six. (See my Instagram for the pictures).

Deck(s) used: (A.) Rumi Oracle, (B.) Archangel Raphael Healing Oracle Cards, (C.) Life Purpose Oracle Cards.

Day Three: Where am I spiritually? (A.) 6 One.

I have abolished duality from myself,
I have seen the two worlds as One!
One I seek, One I know,
One I see, and One I call.

Day Four: Where am I physically? (B.) Caffeine Free Reversed.

Ha. I've fallen off the clean-living wagon. Sure, I'm still plant-based diet and all that, but I've given in to eating a too much processed food (and addictives such as caffeine and sugar). It's a good thing I have a great life partner who has been helping me get back on the wagon.

Day Five: What am I ready to manifest? (C.) Teaching Reversed.

The creative ventures I'm doing right now have an element of teaching metaphysical and spiritual concepts-- but not in a traditional pedagogical understanding. The teaching I'm doing is done through my artwork, through my tarot/oracle card readings, and through my writings.

Day Six: What is my biggest influence right now? (A.) 22 The Lion and the Deer Reversed. Soumate, old-soul connections. Well, reconnections.

When you enter the garden of the heart,
you become fragrant like the rose.
When you fly toward Heaven,
you become graceful like the angel.
If you get burned like oil,
you become brilliant.
When you become thin like hair in yearning,
your joy leads the way.
You'll be the kingdom and the king.
You'll be the paradise and the guardian angel.
You'll be infidelity, and you'll be faith.
You'll be the lion, and you'll be the deer.

"Hello my old friend. Do you remember me? We are the oldest of friends; ancient soul mates we are, acquainted over many lifetimes past and through many lessons learned together in the school of love. So here we meet again, in this advanced spiritual training of the human experience, with the earth as our classroom. The moment is upon us to leave behind what we have once known, and to open up to the great mystery of life again. Our souls leapt from the divine oneness through the river of forgetfulness and now dive into a body and a life. What a journey that leap begins!"


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