Friday Oracle Readings: "Bitch Go Away" for LB about PERSON X.

I used's Bitch Go Away spread to help LB gain clarity on their contentious relationship with PERSON X. May the Divine grant me the wisdom to know Their message and apply the correct advice. Note: I'm very much aware that I move back and forth between third-person and second-person writing. And, there may be grammatical and spelling errors. I have accepted all of this.

Decks used: (A.) Archetype Cards by Caroline Myss, (B.) Energy Oracle Cards, (C.) Psychic Tarot for the Heart Oracle Deck, (D.) Archangel Michael Oracle Cards, (E.) Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards

Position One: What is the root cause of PERSON X's attachment to LB? (A.) Vampire.

Yikes! It seems as though LB has very strong-yet-sensitive empathic powers-- and PERSON X is an energy vampire. If LB doesn't already have a protection ritual or meditative practice to center themselves/ground themselves/protect themselves, then they need to start a practice now. I personally like to have onyx, jet, or obsidian jewelry or stone on me or near me (i.e. jewelry, paper weight, etc.). These sounds are used by many as grounding talismans and protection against physic attacks. PERSON X most likely has co-pendency upon others-- even if they are in positions of power over others. I get a sense that PERSON X is intimidated by pleasant, confident, self-assured people like LB. Instead of learning by such examples, PERSON X's default is to indulge jealousy. This jealously manifests as energy-vampire energy. What's bothersome is that PERSON X knows they're acting like a dickwad, but they either (i.) have never considered getting help (i.e. therapy, a spiritual practice, etc.) or (ii.) don't accept that they need to rein in this vampiric behavior. It's not LB's fault that LB has love-and-light qualities that provoke PERSON X to jealousy. I get the feeling that LB is conflict-averse. I say that as a neutral analysis. However, PERSON X looks for that quality in people in order to know if they can attack good people by zapping their energy. LB doesn't need to "fight back" in the same low vibration behavior that PERSON X engages in. LB just needs to project fearless Amazonian goddess energy as if to psychically say, "Bitch, you ain't shit. I stand my ground." PERSON X is a bully. Bullies fear the strength of others. Those who don't yield to the bullying.

Position Two: What is going on in PERSON X's mind? (B.) 42 Woman Holding A Coin.

LB, do you know if PERSON X has extreme stress related to money (or, resources? health?). Perhaps they are in debt or another person (i.e. family member, lover?) has caused them to take on a lot of debt? Or, if it isn't related to personal debt/money, is PERSON X in a position of power over money in their workplace? Whatever is going on, PERSON X feels massive anxiety related to stability, security, and material goods (I do get the feeling health is involved somehow). I get the feeling that PERSON X doesn't give up their burdens to the Divine. I hesitate to say PERSON X is superficial but I get the sense that they consider good social standing, stable life, and prestige as qualities which can only be derived from material gain. Are they the sort of person who tries to "look" rich but it's obvious that they are not being authentic to themselves? If you work with this person relating to money/resources, make sure you cover your ass with documentation. This isn't to say you must take on a fearful, defense posture, LB. I just mean, don't be naïve. Be truthful, call upon the protection of the Divine, and be courageous. If appropriate, seek out an independent auditor to review the situation to prove the truth. Use this challenging time as an opportunity to stand up for yourself-- for this time and all the times in the past in which you felt powerless. PERSON X's behavior is your opportunity to unleash your goddess power. Watch out, bitches. LB will have none of your shit.

Position Three: Why doesn't PERSON X understand that LB wants to be left alone? (C.) 12 Observe.

PERSON X can't detach from outcome. They do not trust "the process" in Divine timing. Basically, they are control freaks and want to control all aspects of the situation/conflict which swirls around ya'll. Whew. They really are low vibration. So much so, my heart is feeling heavy with burden just writing all this. PERSON X refuses to sit back and thoughtfully observe situations. They refuse to sit back and mindfully listen to others. This refusal comes from their lack of doing 'shadow work' or 'inner work' and their disgust of themselves. Because, that is the nature of vampires. They are disgusted by themselves. So, the hide behind false confidence/arrogance. And, they try to steal your life energy. LB has the qualities that PERSON X wants to have. But, PERSON X doesn't want to do the work to cultivate such lovely qualities. Why do I get the feeling that if they're willing to 'steal' the life energy of people that they are capable of stealing money/resources?

Position Four: What can LB do to have PERSON X understand LB's personal boundaries? (D.) Have Confidence.

It's clear to me that this situation is an opportunity for LB to step into their power and handle business (read: some karmic, spiritual ass kicking). Archangel Michael may be one of the most powerful Archangels of the Divine. Some say that Michael leads the heavenly host (others say Yeshua does, but whatever). Basically, this care is powerful. Confidence is analogous to the flaming sword of the Archangel. LB's very existence is a beacon of power. An example of one who has the power of the Divine going against one who has embraced the lower vibration, vampiric path. LB, know that your financial path and material needs are secure. Trust your intuition. It will tell you to take the high vibration path. This doesn't mean you have to be meek and mild in the modern understanding of those words. Have confidence in your strength in order to reveal PERSON X for who they truly are. Your goodness and your strength shines a light upon them so that their almost evil intentions are transparent to everybody. Remember that you are made in the image of the Creator. You have more power in this situation than you think you do. If you don't meditate, start meditating. Don't ignore your uneasy feelings or try to stuff them deep down. Confront your fear and you'll realize that you have the high ground in this situation. Here's a powerful prayer/affirmation which you can use to embrace your power: Archangel Michael, please lend me your courage and fortitude. Help me realize that I am one with all that is Divine: wisdom, strength, love, creativity, abundance, and health. Allow me to feel confident and peaceful about myself in all ways.

Position Five: What is PERSON X's internal dilemma for not leaving LB alone? (E.) Vanity Reversed.

Geez. PERSON X has a lot of character vices. I'm exhausted. Whew. PERSON X is jealous of LB's ability to effectively communicate. Whatever PERSON X does/is in LB's life, PERSON X can't "do" as well as LB. And, PERSON X can't learn by example: They are so bad at communicating with others that they aren't getting what they want/ask for-- they're getting what they 'are.' And, instead of owning their lacking skill set, PERSON X projects their anger outward. I get the feeling that PERSON X is in some leadership position (or they fancy themselves in a leadership position due to age or time in service) but can't quite exhibit true leadership qualities. Again, this card points to PERSON X's feelings of insecurity. "I need more, better, bigger. Yes. That will make me okay." PERSON X doesn't bother to master the basics of social interaction. This explains why they are frustrated when situations demand actual sophistication. Again, they strike out against LB because of this insecurity. PERSON X looks outside themselves for validation. They are disconnected from people in their life. So, they regress to vampiric behavior. Thief-like behavior. The sadness in this whole situation is that ultimately, PERSON X doesn't feel loved. Of course, that is no reason to lash out against anyone. Especially LB. Stand your ground, LB. But, remember to send them love and light. The both of you come from the same Source.

Position Six: How can LB successfully have PERSON X leave LB's life with the least amount of drama possible? (D.) Focus Upon Divine and Perfect Health.

Archangel Michael reminds LB to stay centered on their desires-- not on their fears. Bodies react instantly to love and fear, so choose the former in this situation (remember, we're dealing with an energy vampire here). Pour genuine affection and blessings (love and light!!!) into every bit of your being. Radiate this. Radiate your being. Visualize and expect perfect health and security for yourself and others. Especially PERSON X. Remember, they suck up the energy of others and reflect it back. Sure, we can't control others, but what would it hurt to 'attack' them with love and light? Speak victory and wellness into your existence. Remember to follow your intuition. Seriously. If you feel like you have to file a formal complaint, that can be done while still coming from a place of love and light. Remember that you are the one who wants peace. So, be peaceful. You don't have to feed this vampire anymore. To practice honing your mind and emotions, consider utilizing talismans (like, you'll notice on my instagram that I keep physical reminders to practice love and light on my person, in my office, at my home-- We're spiritual beings living in a physical dimension. It's okay to use physical things to remind us how to be.) If talismans are not your thing, please consider meditation and/or prayer, LB. I know you were hoping for more actionable intel as your advice. However, I know that this situation is bigger than a mere contentiousness between you and another human being. We're close to the eclipse now. This situation is part of a grander scheme of lessons in your life path. That's why the cards are dominated by 'inner work' and spirituality and mental resilience. Like my late father always said, may his memory be a blessing, 'you don't have to let them rent space in your brain.' I believe in you, LB. You've got this.



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