Tarot and Shadow Work for Activating Dynamic Power: Page 236 Questions.

Long story, short: I'm taking Benebell Wen's class on shadow work at Ethony's tarot academy. On page 236, there are very pointed, vulnerability-exposing questions I decided to answer using tarot. Answering these questions is to acknowledge the shadow shelf.

Deck used: Osho Zen Tarot.

Question One: What heightened awareness of your own socioeconomic status during your early childhood or even in a past life incarnation affect your relationship with material and social capital today? 2 of Clouds Schizophrenia Reversed.

According to past life information in my natal chart, I have retained the aristocratic expectations and personal cultural attributes despite being born into a middle class military family in this lifetime. During my early upbringing in this life, I had so many advantages, privileges, amazing experiences that I only knew later in life were very extraordinary. My parents had the stately bearings of a king and queen, yet they both came from poor families. There natural manners never really gave their lower socioeconomic origins away. I've suspected they both have some of the same natal chart placements that I have. Aristocratic hearts reborn into near-pauper lives! LOL This really was a schizophrenic existence. The poor kids thought I was too rich to be part of their clique and the rich kids thought I wasn't posh enough to be in their rarified air. I had entrepreneurial leadership skills yet I felt like being a "merchant" was "dirty" and "beneath me." I'm past these messed up dualities now. But, this was my childhood experience.

Question Two: What skills or talents do you possess that are not being appreciated and therefore not bringing in financial reward? 7 Stress.

I have the ability to 'keep it all together' and 'make sure everything runs smoothly.' I bring order to chaos. In the world where I work, nobody celebrates things going smoothly-- but are quick to point out when things go awry.

Question Three: Why don't your skills and talents bring your financial reward? Trust Reversed.

The obvious answer is that I lack trust in others to recognize my talents. But, this card also identifies my need to control my emotions-- particularly rage, disappointment, and disgust.

Question Four: Are you afraid of putting up an initial investment because you are insecure about whether it will yield a productive return? (I re-worded this question for my reading as 'Why am I insecure about whether an initial investment will yield a productive return?). The Source Reversed.

Hrm. Interesting. Apparently I'm putting too much trust in mankind instead of Source/The Divine. This card reminds us that we tap into it not by thinking and planning but by getting grounded, centered, and silent enough to be in contact with the Source. I need to meditate more.

Question Five: What asset are you holding frugally on to, which you can and should give away to increase your reward power and social capital? XX Beyond Illusion.

Material goods which were tied to my old identity: fine china, fine jewelry, expensive furniture. These things are lovely, of course. But, they are part of the old version of me-- the illusion. Not the true self.


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