July 23, 2017 New Moon in Leo Tarot Spread by Ethony
Make sure to check out Ethony’s blog entry about the New Moon in Leo Tarot Spread: it’s the first of the TWO New Moon in Leos. How neat?!
Deck used:
The Original Rider Waite Tarot Pack, A.E. Waite, 1993 Revised Edition.
Card One: Playful
lioness—Where/how can I be more playful in my life? The Empress Reversed.
Card Two: Rocky
babe—Where should I use all that warrior energy? The World Reversed.
Card Three: Action
star—Where do I need to take action?
Nine of Cups.
Card Four: Open
heart—Where am I being asked to be more open? King of Wands Reversed.
Very interesting. This reading matches up with the review
opportunities that come along with the upcoming astrological phenomena (lunar
and solar eclipses). I get to review the issues of my Aquarius First House (in
my natal chart) and Leo Seventh House which showed up in 1998/1999. Basically,
I have the opportunity to end a cycle (on a good note) and step into success
(as I define it not as others define it). Embracing shadow work, or inner work,
I can figure out who I truly am. And then, I can figure out who I am to and with
others. Who is my tribe?
Most of my life, I lived a lie. The goals and ambitions I
had were those of others. Now, I get to explore my true desires of embracing
all that the Empress embodies: domesticity, creativity, material security, and
soft power. This also answers to where I direct my warrior energy: My creative
endeavors. And, not only do I have the fiery passion to create, but now my
maturity gives me the resilience and persistent energy to actually complete
projects. I’m a 28 degree Gemini Sun. All I’ve ever known in life is starting
wonderful projects but never finishing them. No longer. The fire is lit within
Action is needed to accomplish all that I desire. Sounds
obvious, but I’ve been lazy about strategizing even the most desirable
intentions I have. No longer. All the resolution steps I determined via
Benebell Wen’s shadow work class are actions which need my vigilance. Because,
when I activate the powers within me, I enhance my happiness, attain material
gains, feel good health and a sense of well-being. Basically, I focus all my
fiery energy to everything I’ve ever wanted. I’m free from the restraints of
others now. I do what I want [insert sexy Loki voice here]!
I need to open my heart to the opposing and/or disparate
ideas of others—especially in the workplace. Eschew stubborn fixed belief
patterns in order to grow the project/organization. I don’t have to go it
alone. Use my heart, intuition, and discernment to know who I can trust to help
me achieve success in projects. Instead of indulging my ability to wield my
fiery sword and slay a bitch or two, be open to peace and diplomacy. Leadership
through service and humility is a real concept which I can embrace instead of
what the world normally thinks of leadership (dictatorial demeanor and ironfisted
Whew. This took a lot out of me. But, I’m glad. This spread
shows that I’ve been learning in class and that I’ve made huge advancements in
my character. Thanks, Ethony.