Wednesday Tarot/Oracle Swap with Ella.

What does Ella need to know at this exact moment about her path in general and her path to having more children?

Deck(s) used: (A.) Osho Zen Tarot, (B.) Archetype Cards, (C.) Archangel Michael Oracle Cards.

Card One: What Ella needs to know about her general path in life right now. (A.) XX. Beyond Illusion. From the text:

The butterfly in this card represents the outer, that which is constantly moving and that which is not real but an illusion. Behind the butterfly is the face of consciousness, looking inward to that which is eternal. The space between the two eyes has opened, revealing the lotus of spiritual unfoldment and the rising sun of awareness. Through the rising of the inner sun, meditation is born.
The card reminds us not to look outside for what is real, but to look within. When we focus on externals, we too often get caught up in judgments--this is good, this is bad, I want this, I don't want that. These judgments keep us trapped in our illusions, our sleepiness, our old habits and patterns. Drop your opinionated mind, and move inside. There, you can relax into your own deepest truth, where the difference between dreams and reality is already known.
This is the only distinction between the dream and the real: reality allows you to doubt, and the dream does not allow you to doubt....To me, the capacity to doubt is one of the greatest blessings to humanity. The religions have been enemies because they have been cutting the very roots of doubt, and there is a reason why they have been doing that: because they want people to believe in certain illusions that they have been preaching....Why have the people like Gautam Buddha been so insistent that the whole existence--except your witnessing self, except your awareness--is just ephemeral, made of the same stuff as dreams are made of. They are not saying that these trees are not there. They are not saying that these pillars are not there. Don't misunderstand because of the word "illusion".... It has been translated as illusion, but illusion is not the right word. Illusion does not exist. Reality exists. Maya is just in between--it almost exists. As far as day-to-day activities are concerned, it can be taken as reality. Only in the ultimate sense, from the peak of your illumination, it becomes unreal, illusory.
Osho The Great Zen Master Ta Hui, Chapter 12

Card Two: What archetype does she need to nurture right now to bring about her desires? (B.) Addict.
This message here isn't limited to drugs, alcohol, food, and/or sex. It can be the destructive behavior of people in your home environment (i.e. tempers). However, take faith, because perseverance in breaking its hold empowers your psyche. You help yourself and your family by taking this issue (the one we spoke about in the other reading) head-on. Look for a lifelong pattern of trying to overcome the tendency to need a substance or person so intensely that you compromise relationships, finances, integrity, character, or emotional and psychological well-bring.

Cards Three, Four, Five: In another reading, we established what primary energy has been blocking the entry of more children into Ella's life. Now, we ask for more advice from the Divine so that Ella can take action. (i) Romance Angels Are Helping You, (ii) Honor And Trust Your Feelings, (iii) Shield Yourself.
 You already know this, but it's time to admit you're unhappy in a certain situation and to take appropriate corrective action. Congrats. A lot of people stick their heads in the sand because they are cowards. They think meekness (in the misunderstanding of that word) and "sweetness" means they have to be extremely passive. Well, those folks don't get the rewards in life. It's okay to admit what you're feeling. To yourself and others. It's. Okay. Vent it but don't stay there. When you trust in the messengers (angels) from the Divine to help you, you align yourself with the Divine's wishes for you. And, what better way to honor the Divine than by wanting to follow their commandment to "multiply thyself"? Remember, you have a partner in all this. Keep them in the loop about your feelings, thoughts, brainstorming. However, make sure to let your partner know when you just want to vent, when you actually want to brainstorm a strategy, and when you really do need them to be your pillar of strength during tears. Keep loving yourself and engaging in self-care. This allows you to open up more to your partner. Remember. They. Are. Your. Partner. You're not in this alone. Find ways to talk about/deal with this situation without sounding like a broken record. Sometimes, that can mean just taking a day off and spending the day together in bed. Really. Don't obsess over this situation you think you're in. The journey is teaching you how to reach outside yourself and trust that others want to work WITH you instead doing your work for you (i.e. taking control over you). Also remember to shield yourself and your family from harsh energy. This doesn't mean to take overt control. It can mean knowing when to battle it out and when to walk away from a battle. It can mean changing one's diet to a plant-based, sugar-free way of eating. It can also mean you need to take time for yourself by doing centering rituals (i.e. prayers, salt baths, meditation, journaling). You cannot rush this process because this involves more than just you. This involves you, your partner, your family's environment. Having the anxiety feelings swirling tells the vortex of manifestation that you aren't living in the present but are worrying about the future. So, now, all that is manifesting is anxiety. Do the mindful, healing, calming, harmonizing of your being with your environment. Remember, the process is important. Focus on the proverbial "closest fire first." Babies won't come into an environment full of strife-filled emotions (and, anxiety). Your children-to-come are heavily protected by the Divine. They're waiting for their environment to be readied for them. So, do the process of making it ready for them.




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