Friday Oracle Readings: Will they reconnect, "Yes" or "No" asked by HL.

I had intended on only using one card for this question. Simple enough, right? HL asked me will they and an old flame reconnect. Well, what happens with my trusty oracle deck for "yes" or "no" questions-- the answer made me go to two other decks. Whew. I'm exhausted. Digging deep is hard for me seeing as I'm a 28 degree Gemini Sun.

Note: I'm very much aware that I move back and forth between third-person and second-person writing. And, there may be grammatical and spelling errors. I have accepted all of this.

Question: HL asked whether they will reconnect with an old flame.

Decks used: (A.) Angel Answers Oracle Cards, (B.) Archangel Oracle Cards, and (C.) The Good Tarot.

The Cards: (A.) Ask your angels, (B.) Compassion, and (C.) The Hermit. And, then, I asked one more time and the angels said (A.) There's Something Better (notice the vibrant green in this card-- it's like it's saying "new life.").

The angels say that compassion is needed in this situation. This doesn't mean one has to forget the transgressions and debts of another person-- it can mean that one forgives them. Archangel Zadkiel, whose name means "Righteousness of God," helps us release unforgiveness toward ourselves and others. Especially when others betray us (i.e. leaving us for another person romantically). He ensures that everyone's needs are met, and that emotional healings occur in miraculous ways. The Hermit shows up as the definitive answer. No. There is no reconnection with the old flame. HL has been doing healing and inner work. The important work. The self work. The Hermit is a reminder that HL has a lot of wisdom because of HL's life experiences. The Hermit asks HL to go within and see the wisdom that illuminates the reality of this situation. Even if a reunion happened, it would be very brief and at the expense of HL's resources (i.e. emotional and material). Choose what is healthy, loving, and profitable for one's life. Heaven has something wonderful in mind for you! However, it's not the same thing you have planned. Ask yourself what you would rather have: the very thing you're asking for or something that would make you happier and more fulfilled? Sometimes God has joys in store for us that we could never imagine on our own. Open your mind and heart to the possibility that you deserve even more than what you're asking for. Trust your angels to guide you in new and exciting directions! Archangel Zadkiel's lasting message is, "I can help you forgive yourself and others, or to compassionately see everyone's point of view. You needn't change your stance or behavior. It simply means approaching the situation with a loving heart, which empowers you and allows creative solutions to pour forth."


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